• Camden, NSW, 2570
  • info@camdentilecleaning.com.au
  • Free call 1300 249 082

What You Can Do About Mold and Mildew?

The reason for taking a shower is clearly to get you clean. But if your bathroom tiles are enclosed with mould and mildew, it can be tough to feel very clean in the environment around you. If you want to remove the mould and mildew from the bathroom tiles and grouts, follow these cleaning tips without any doubt:

  1. Borax

Borax is a natural cleaning substance that is reasonable and good at its job. It is effective at killing mould and it doesn’t create dangerous fumes like ammonia. Mix borax in lukewarm water and douse a sponge into the solution. Wipe the tiles strongly, rinsing the sponge every few minutes. With the help of clean water, you can eliminate the Borax substance from the tiles.

  1. Bleach

You can use chlorine bleach to remove the mould and mildew from the bathroom tiles. You need to purchase a chlorine bleach product which is specially meant for bathroom mould. Let the bleach cleaner sit on the tile for at least half an hour and scrub with a stiff brush. Rinse it after that with lukewarm water.

  1. Vinegar

For a natural way to remove the mould and mildew in the bathroom, you can use distilled vinegar. Use a spray bottle and saturate the mould part with white vinegar. Let this remedy sit on the tile and grout for 30 minutes. Scrub the area with a brush and spray the mixture once again. Let it sit for another half an hour and rinse with warm water after that.

Also, you can make a paste by stirring half cup baking soda and water required. Spread the paste over the area and let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub the mould away with a brush and rinse it with water.

  1. Minty wash

You can mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, and water with ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap and few drops of peppermint essential oils. Use this solution on the affected area and let it rest for a few minutes. This solution works well to clean the mould and mildew from the tiles.

You can get connected with Camden Tile Cleaning if these remedies don’t work out. The professionals available at Camden Tile Cleaning use the best quality products to remove mould and mildew from the tiles. Call us today for a free estimate and stop taking a shower right next to all of that mould and mildew.

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